
Goodbye 1998!!! and

helllooooo 1999 Penguins!!!!

Hiiii internet!! i've been hard at work in my moms basement! This 1999 Dell Pentium is sooo fast, it runs ms paint so smooth. PHAT penguins!!!! LOL

I've been waiting until she's off the phone and uploading penguins all night (we still dial up have so its gonna take a while ).

Here's my plan for penguins
  • first I give away 1999 penguins in a really cool way
  • then sell 1998 penguins to get my mom dsl
  • then give away 1997 penguins but in an even cooler way!!!!
  • secret stage 1!!!!!!
  • secret stage 2 :P
Here's are the rules for penguins
  • Rule 1: no more than 9999 penguins will be part of the collecton 1999Penguins
  • Rule 2: no more than 9999 penguins will be part of the collecton 1999Penguins
  • Rule 3: no more than 9999 penguins will be part of the collecton 1999Penguins
  • Be cool and dont be a meannie!!
Here's are some dreams for the year 1999
  • penguin swap machine for gambling addicts
  • penguins recorded with vcrs
  • penguin rock bands?
  • something even cooler? idk and no promises ok im only 10 and a half years old

here is my favorite penguin so far: